Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Well just before the New Year is here I am going to make a list of things to do in the next year,things that I put off but no longer want to.
1. Get through Open Foundation, do it well and get into Design.
2. Start singing lessons again
3. Start Cello again
4. Pick up musical theatre or drama (maybe both)
5. Get fit and healthy
6. Lose at least 5 kilos
7. Get to the gym 4-5 times a week
8. Learn to save
9. Learn to keep my room clean (yeah right!!!)
10. Write a book - maybe?!?
11. Become famous for something - this is probably on the long term list!!
Anyway......Happy New Year
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Well I had been diagnosed with Depression in 2006 and in 2007 due to medication problems I ended up with extreme anxiety.
I have good days and bad days, the bad days are the ones where I can't pull myself together. I snap at everyone,and really don't mean too and can't help it half the time.
With my anxiety I find it hard to say yes to a lot of things,I too often think of the negatives in things rather then the positive.
I have become my own worst nightmare. I can't communicate with people, I no longer have friends. I'm a loner. I won't go out to parties, or clubbing. I find this sad as I'm 21 and am wasting my life in some ways. I do't want to have regrets, well anymore then I have already.
There are so many things in my life I would love to do.
*Start dancing again
*Start singing lessons again
*Look into Drama - something I have always wanted to do
*Stop hiding myself away and get real friends
*Start playing my cello again
I have cut myself off from everything.I watch a lot of movies. I find this helps me escape my "problems".
After seeing a preview for the Jim Carey movie "Yes Man" I have decided to start having a more positive outlook on my life and to get up and start doind these things I want to do.
Starting with getting back into shape!!!
L'oreal Double Extension Beauty Tubes Mascara
0 comments Posted by ~Kat~ at Sunday, December 28, 2008Hope 2009 is a better year for everyone and I can start fulfilling my dreams!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Well I have now placedmy third order with vistaprint and have nothing but good things to say about them.
Today I ordered things for my small business and it came to a total of $290 but I only paid $60. If you select VistaPrints free offers all you have to pay for is postage. I think it is shipped by air. You have the choice of standard postage which may take 21 days, Regular postage which may take 14 days and quick postage which may take 9 days. The quicker the postage the more you pay, but not that much.
Here is a link:
Labels: cards, freebies, printing, vistaprint
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Today I went to see Australia with my mum and grandmother. I loved it! When walking in and waiting I remembered all the reviews poo pooing it, and was extremely worried, but I loved almost every second of it. The bits I didn't like were only because they were sad =(
As someone who hasn't travelled except to Queensland it really opened my eyes to just how beautiful this country is, and what we take for granted.
Thank you Baz.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Labels: job, tupperware
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I have sensitive skin, as mentioned before, but am also lucky enough to get dermatitus on my hands.
On Friday my right hand was terrible, flakey and itchy, driving me insane. I put the hand cream on twice a day, and today (Sunday) it is almost gone.
I wish I took pictures to post.
I can not rave enough about this and to top it off it was only around $15!!!!
Labels: beauty, Hand cream, make up, The Body Shop
Friday, November 21, 2008
Well after just over a week of using Clinique I would definately reccomend. My skin hasn't reacted at all - and thats washing, toning and moisturising twice a day.
The moisturiser I received was the wrong one for my skin. So I haven't used it since, but will be buying the right skin combination moisturiser soon. I have used my cousins moisturiser and love it!!
My skin is soft and more even toned and I believe clearer aswell.
At lot of people say they cant afford Clinique, but I was actually quite surprised at the price. It ends up being around $30 a product, $50-60 for the large quantities.
if you a looking for a skin cleaning sytem I definately reccomend trying clinique!!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
One of the ladies on a forum I frequent posted this recipe.
I can't wait to try it.
Why is it that whenever you try to eat healthy or diet someone posts a recipe like this ??? =D
4 tablespoons plain flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
A small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug
Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well.
Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.
Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.
Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.
The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!
Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.

Thursday, November 13, 2008
A few days ago I put in to have a psychic give me a reading and got the results today. I am extremely surprised at how accurate most of the information was. Some of it is in the future and I can't relate to yet.
Anyway only a quick little post from me today :)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Loreal Happyderm Skin Exhilarating Moisturiser
0 comments Posted by ~Kat~ at Monday, October 27, 2008Picture:
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Christmas is only 9 weeks and 6 days away :O :O
I have already started to buy christmas presents and wrapping paper. I can't help myself I love christmas!!!!
Well not that anyone reads my blog other then myself, but, I had an idea for one christmas present I couldn't wrap and thought I would post it here.
I was looking at this present trying to figure out how the hell I was going to wrap it. At the same time I saw an empty shoe box amd the idea struck me like a bag of apples. I decided to wrap the shoe box and its lid in christmas paper,placed the item inside and bob's your uncle I have a nicely wrapped christmas October!!!
Well thats all for now.
Labels: Christmas, gift wrapping, Presents
Friday, October 3, 2008
YAY!!!!! It only took 2 days for my order to arrive from Victoria!! Unfortunately when I placed my first order I forgot to buy cellogen and needed to place a second order,well any excuse to buy more. The sadest part is I cant start til I have the cellogen and as I am an inpaitient person the waiting is terrible. Not all the items I've ordered are in stock either so it means the wait will be even longer. =(
On another note I am halfway through Uni holidays. It always goes so quick!
It's not long til christmas either and I can't wait. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!! I mean the presents are ok but for me it's the spirit and the tree and buying presents for others. I enjoy it all so much.
Well off to do some work. =)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
On the weekend I visited Boyfriends family. After speaking to his sister, I found out she is learning how to make sugar flowers and offered to show me how to make some. I enjoyed it that much that I am now looking into it myself. I have found a website and bought some basic items to make a birthday cake for my grandma. I still have about a month to go before her birthday so I can get some practise in before then. But hopefully things go well. =)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
First off I would like to thank for my template =)
I never know what to write in these situations. What do you put in a blog? Well as I often buy products and see movies I didn't think it would hurt to give my personal thoughts/ review on such items.
Someone may or may not find this useful, but I know I often like to hear others thoughts on products, as this is often the best way to get a real view of what the product is like.
Also as I constantly contend with my anxiety and depression, I may express how I am feeling or some of the issues I face as a result.
Anyway I'm pretty pleased with my first post.
Hopefully there will be plenty more to come. =)