Sunday, September 20, 2009
So I still haven't finished my list yet but I have completed some things on my list. Once completed I will put them in Italic and make them purple.
After reading a few other blogs I noticed several of them had a list of things to do before their next birthday. The list must consist of a number of the age they will be turning of things to do. Hope that makes sense!!! I'll be turning 23 in May so I will have a list of 23 things to do. :D I find this inspirational as I always feel like life is getting ahead of me, and that it is just going by to fast. When I turned 22 I sat down for a moment and realised that 22 had just gone by so quickly. I can't remember everyday, yet everyday has shaped me to be the person I am today. I used to wish to be older, but now I look back and wish I had appreciated that time more, yet it is now a lesson I have learnt. So now I will start putting the list together.
1. Finish Open Foundation
2. Save $2500
3. Get my Tupperware Business back up and running
4. Get fit and healthy by leading a healthier lifestyle
5. Read my Roswell books that I paid a fortune for
6. Clean and sort out my room once and for all
7. Spend more time with my Grandma
8. Plan a holiday - It is a little further away then I wanted, but it will be overseas.
9. Renovate the laundry
10. Furnish the house
11. Save for a nice tv
12. Buy a Nintendo Wii
13. Walk my dog once a week
14. Declutter my things and get rid of what I don't need
15. Redecorate the spare room
16. Paint a picture
17. Buy a new handbag
18. Organise all my Tupperware
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I wrote a note down about the book before I could forget about it. That afternoon I searched the local world for the book and found it at Borders.

It is actually a very interesting read, along with a diet at the back of the book which I have started today.
Today is Day 1 of my 3 Day Alkalising Cleanse, and the strange thing is I have actually been excited about it. I have never been able to follow through with a diet, except for the See-food diet. I actually woke up at 4am this morning from excitement.
I will be documenting my journey via my blog. So next post is Day 1.
Monday, June 15, 2009

Put together. Now all I need to do is add the final border, buy wadding and add a backing.
Its not the best, it has some flaws but I'm pretty proud considering it's my first quilt and I didn't even use a pattern!!!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
After reading a few other blogs I noticed several of them had a list of things to do before their next birthday. The list must consist of a number of the age they will be turning of things to do. Hope that makes sense!!! I'll be turning 23 in May so I will have a list of 23 things to do. :D I find this inspirational as I always feel like life is getting ahead of me, and that it is just going by to fast. When I turned 22 I sat down for a moment and realised that 22 had just gone by so quickly. I can't remember everyday, yet everyday has shaped me to be the person I am today. I used to wish to be older, but now I look back and wish I had appreciated that time more, yet it is now a lesson I have learnt.
So now I will start putting the list together.
1. Finish Open Foundation
2. Save $2500
3. Get my Tupperware Business back up and running
4. Get fit and healthy by leading a healthier lifestyle
5. Read my Roswell books that I paid a fortune for
6. Clean and sort out my room once and for all
7. Spend more time with my Grandma
8. Plan a holiday
9. Renovate the laundry
10. Furnish the house
11. Save for a nice tv
12. Buy a Nintendo Wii
13. Walk my dog once a week
Just a quick little post to thank for my new background.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
It has been a while since I have posted. And to make it even worse 3 weeks ago my laptop stopped working. Unfortunately it took longer than anticipated to get it back. I had 20 something viruses on my computer, even though I have anti virus software!!!
It is unbelievable how much I missed my laptop. I had no contact with friends. Long gone are the days of phone calls and letters. Now it's all sms's, emails and msn. Its amazing how the world has changed in such a short period of time.
I remember getting our first family computer I think it was 1998 and I was 11. Things have changed so much and so fast since then. I start to wonder what is to come with technology in the future, and will we turn out to be like the people in Wall-e. Where they are so consumed by technology they forget to walk and are sitting right next to the person they are talking to on the "phone".
Will the advancing of technology ever stop? Will we eventually outsmart ourselves?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Well I started off with my "new lifestyle" very well. Going to the gym was great. I felt good about myself...I went 2 days in a row and then.........none at all =o I'm upset with myself,but I have another training session tomorrow so I'm sure my butt will get kicked!!!
On the positive side of things I did my first Tupperware demonstration on the weekend and I'm loving it!!!! I have another party today and hopefully Parties will get booked and I can continue doing this, as I am having so much fun!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Well as part of my New Years resolution I wanted to get back in shape. On NYE I went to a personal training session at my gym, and boy did I get whipped!
I lose motivations really quickly so I bought myself a "wish dress' one size smaller that I can wear when all my work has paid off.
I had my measurements taken and also my body fat percentage.
My arms are 29.5cm
Waist 68cm
Thigh 59.5cm
Bust 89cm
Hips 94cm
Weight 61.3 kilos
With a body fat percentage of 21.7% and I am aiming for 17%.
Also to help keep me going I'm visiting my personal trainer every fortnight,so if I dont keep going he will whip my butt even more!
I will also post my progress on here to.